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26 Wrzesień 2009
Punkty reakcji
Dobra ekonomiczne ??? to wszystkie dobra materialne wytworzone
przez człowieka w procesie produkcji w celu zaspokojenia ludzkich potrzeb.
Konsumpcja ??? polega na zużywaniu wszelkich dóbr i usług. Osoba
nabywająca towary dla zaspokojenia swoich bieżących potrzeb to konsument.
System ekonomiczny ??? to zbiór praw, instytucji, działań, wartości i
ludzkich motywacji, które łącznie tworzą podstawy podejmowania decyzji
System ekonomiczny mieszany ??? łączy pewne cechy gospodarki
rynkowej i kierowanej, z przewagą jednej lub drugiej.
Rynek ??? oznacza instytucje lub mechanizm umożliwiający osobom
posiadające dobra i usługi kontakt z chętnymi do ich zakupu.
Komplementarność ??? zjawisko polegające na wzajemnym uzupełnianiu
się dóbr materialnych i usług. O komplementarności mówimy wówczas, gdy
korzystanie z danego dobra wymaga równoczesnego użycia innego dobra.
Substytucja - zjawisko zastępowania w procesie produkcji lub konsumpcji
jednych dóbr lub usług innymi, zaspokajającymi te same potrzeby
(np. masło - margaryna).
Popyt ??? ilość towaru jaką nabywcy są skłonni kupić w określonym czasie
za ustaloną cenę.
Podaż ??? oznacza

Cechy gospodarki centralnie
- własność państwowa
- centrale zarządzanie
- brak konkurencji
- upolitycznienie
Cechy gospodarki rynkowej:
- przedsiębiorczość
- uwolniony system cen
- konkurencja
- własność prywatna
* pośrednia:
- przekształcanie przedsiębiorstw
w jednoosobowe
spółki Skarbu Państwa
- sprzedaż akcji lub udziałów
spółki na rynku
* bezpośrednia:
- sprzedaż majątku przedsiębiorstwa
- wzniesienie majątku do spółki
- oddanie majątku do odpłatnego
Kryterium podziału ze względu
na zasięg
- lokalny
- regionalny
- finansowy
- międzynarodowy
Kryterium podziału ze względu
na czas wykonania transakcji:
- kasowy
- terminowy
Cechy pieniądza:
- trwałość
- zastępowalność
- rzadkość
- podzielność
Funkcje pieniądza:
- miernik wartości
- środek płatniczy
- środek wymiany
- środek gromadzenia oszczędności
Dochody gospodarstwa domowego:
a) z pracy:
- praca najemna
- praca we własnym przedsiębiorstwie
b) z majątku:
- czynsz za wynajęte mieszkanie
- dywidendy z posiadania akcji
- lokata w banku
- sprzedaż akcji, obligacji
- sprzedaż rzeczy
c) spoza pracy:
- zasiłek
- renta
- spadek
- darowizna
- emerytura
- gry losowe
- reszta

Pewnie moja siostra pisała ściąge :D


26 Wrzesień 2009
Punkty reakcji


8 Styczeń 2010
Punkty reakcji
Hmmm...kupię kilo cukierków z nadzieniem melisowym

Cytowałam 'gladiatora123' w jego temacie ;P

Hmmm...kupię kilo cukierków z nadzieniem melisowym

Cytowałam 'gladiatora123' w jego temacie ;P


21 Luty 2010
Punkty reakcji
a mi się wydaje że gdyby była zaburzona grawitacja to by się samochody unosiły do góry


21 Luty 2010
Punkty reakcji
Introduction to the "stranger"
The novel explains the tale of Hank Morgan, a 19th-century resident of Hartford, Connecticut who awakens to find himself inexplicably transported back in time to early medieval Britain at the time of the legendary King Arthur.
The story begins first person narrative in Warwick Castle, where a man details his recollection of a tale told to by a "curious stranger" who is personified as a knight through his simple language and familiarity with ancient armor.[2]
After a brief tale of Sir Launcelot of Camelot and his role in slaying two giants from the third-person narrative, a man named Hank Morgan enters and, after being given whiskey by the narrator, he is persuaded to reveal more of his story. Described through first-person narrative as a man familiar with the firearms and machinery trade, Hank is a man who had reached the level of superintendent due to his proficiency in firearms manufacturing, with two thousand subordinates. He describes the beginning of his tale by illustrating details of a disagreement with his subordinates, where he sustained a head injury from a "crusher" to the head caused by a man named "Hercules" using a crowbar.[3] After passing out from the blow, Hank describes waking up underneath an oak tree in a rural area of Camelot where a Knight questions him for trespassing upon his land, and after establishing rapport, leads him towards Camelot castle.[4] Upon recognizing that he has time-traveled to the sixth century, Hank realizes that he is the de facto smartest person on Earth and with his knowledge he should soon be running things.
Hank is ridiculed at King Arthur's court for his strange appearance and dress, and sentenced by King Arthur's court (and particularly by the magician Merlin) to burn at the stake. By a miraculous stroke of luck, the date of the burning coincides with a historical solar eclipse in the year 528, which Hank had learned about in his own time.
Recalling this fact, Hank uses it to convince the King and commoners that he possesses great power, by making it seem that he causes the eclipse of the sun at the moment when he is about to be burned at the stake, and he claims that he has the power to permanently blot out the sun. Following this act, he is liberated and given the position of prin:cenzura:l minister to the King, and treated by all with utmost fear and awe. His celebrity brings him to be known by a new title, elected by the people: "The Boss." Hank is seen as not as a man, but a being of strange and mysterious powers. However, he proclaims that his only income will be taken as a percentage of any increase in the kingdom's gross domestic product that he succeeds in creating for the state as Arthur's chief minister, which King Arthur sees as fair.
[edit]The Takeover
After being made "the Boss", Hank learns about medieval practices and superstitions. With his superior knowledge, he is able to outdo the fake sorcerers and miracle-working church officials. At one point, soon after the eclipse, people began gathering, hoping to see Hank perform another miracle. Merlin, jealous of Hank having replaced him both as the king's prin:cenzura:l adviser and as the most powerful sorcerer of the realm, begins spreading rumors that Hank is a fake and cannot supply another miracle. Hank secretly manufactures gunpowder and a lightning rod, plants explosive charges in Merlin's tower, then places the lightning rod at the top and runs a wire to the explosive charges. He then announces (during a period when storms are frequent) that he will soon call down fire from heaven and destroy Merlin's tower, then challenges Merlin to use his sorcery to prevent it. Of course, Merlin's 'incantations' fail utterly to prevent lightning striking the rod, triggering the explosive charges and leveling the tower, further diminishing Merlin's reputation.
Another major "Miracle" of the book occurs when a sacred fountain stops flowing. While Merlin mutters magical-sounding gibberish, and the monks pray for the return of the waters, Hank simply inspects the fountain, finds a leak, and repairs it. When his 'magic' fails to restore the fountain, Merlin announces that the name of a certain demon had to be properly pronounced to let the waters flow, but to say the demon's name caused death. Hank, to seem more impressive, agrees with Merlin about the demon and the dangers in pronouncing its name, but states that though it would be dangerous, it was not impossible to pronounce the demon's name and live. Knowing the value of showmanship, Hank gathers a crowd when he begins his 'incantations', and uses fireworks (Roman candles, etc.) while enchanting to simulate the hellfire of the demon he is banishing. At the end of several long German language phrases, he says "BGWJJILLIGKKK", which is simply a load of gibberish, but Merlin agrees with Hank that this is the name of the demon. Merlin grows more and more jealous of Hank's influence, and the constant demonstrations that Hank is a more powerful sorcerer than he is.
Hank Morgan, in his position as King's Minister, uses his authority and his modern knowledge to industrialize the country behind the back of the rest of the ruling class. His assistant is Clarence, a young boy he meets at court, whom he educates and gradually lets in on most of his secrets, and eventually comes to rely on heavily. Hank sets up secret schools, which teach modern ideas and modern English, thereby removing the new generation from medieval concepts, and secretly constructs hidden factories, which produced modern tools and weapons. He carefully selects the individuals he allows to enter his factories and schools, seeking to select only the most promising and least indoctrinated in medieval ideas, favoring selection of the young and malleable whenever possible.
Despite being a high officer in court, Hank goes among the people to promote new economic policies based on capitalism and modern, democratic principles—and simply learn about his subjects and what it is like to be one of them. At one point, he travels as a knight-errant with a young wandering girl named Sandy, who has a story about an adventure and the need for a knight to rescue her royal family. Although skeptical, he goes because he is expected to wander as a knight and build a reputation as an adventurer and hero.
On a later excursion, King Arthur joins Hank. Arthur exposes himself to smallpox to help a peasant family. Despite this noble act, Arthur is unwilling to change his medieval thinking. When they witness a group of peasants that escaped imprisonment for a crime they did not commit, he insists that he and Hank report the youths. He reasons that it's the lord's right as a noble to imprison them, even without just reason. Arthur eventually causes the arrest of the incognito Hank and himself because he is unable to stop acting like a nobleman. A noble enslaves them, since they can't prove themselves freemen, and several interesting events happen. At one point, Hank causes a fight and all the slaves are sentenced to hang, and Hank plots their rescue by a group of bicycle-riding knights.
[edit]The Interdict
Hank has married Sandy at this point, and they have a baby. While asleep and dreaming, Hank says, "Hello-Central," (a reference to calling a 19th century telephone operator) and Sandy believes that the mystic phrase is a good name for the baby, and names it accordingly.
The Catholic Church sends servants to trick Hank into going overseas, leaving the kingdom in the hands of less intelligent people. Eventually, King Arthur finds out that Guinevere is cheating on him with Sir Lancelot. A war soon breaks out, with much bloodshed on all sides.
The church then publishes "The Interdict" which causes all people to break away from Hank and revolt. Hank meets with Clarence, one of his long friends of the time period, who informs him of the war thus far. As time goes on, Clarence gathers 52 young cadets, from ages 14–17, who are to fight against all of England. A belt with dynamite is placed under the sand. Inside of the belt are twelve electrical wires, and in the center is a raised platform with 13 Gatling guns. The cadets say they don't want to face 'All of England' but Hank encourages them by saying they will only have to fight the 30,000 knights. The cadets laugh at the small amount, and easily win the battle due to the electric wire, Gatling guns, and dynamite. However, all the dead bodies create a disease, and trap all of them inside. Hank goes out to see if he can help any of the knights, and is stabbed on the side by a survivor. While not a serious wound, he is bedridden. During this time, Merlin sneaks into the lair disguised as a woman, and starts thrashing about his arms. He then laughs and says that all the people there will die, except for Hank who will sleep for thirteen centuries. He then laughs deliriously and lays a hand on an electrical wire and dies, the laugh frozen on his face.

Streszczenie lektury po angielsku


8 Styczeń 2010
Punkty reakcji
And I will never see the sky the same way,
And I will learn to say good-bye to yesterday,
And I will never cease to fly, if held down,
And I will always reach too high,
'Cause I have seen twilight :*

To przez to, że zmieniam sygnaturę :D
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